DI Ambrose
Meet Detective Inspector Paul Ambrose and his team of talented sleuths. We first meet Ambrose as he contemplates the depressing scene of the partially bombed Chalk Heath Theatre. "Where is Chalk Heath?" you may ask. Well it's everywhere and nowhere; it's possible it might be somewhere on the South Downs but there are equally chalky places on the Yorkshire Wolds.
In Foul Play, Ambrose's team get to know each other as we get to know them. Winters is your typical down to earth sergeant, beholden to his boss but keeping a watchful eye on his constables who really get to do all the work. With the publication of Foul Play, WPC Meadows began to develop her own following and fan club which developed through Poison Pen until in Close Disharmony we discover her closet talents as a choral singer.
Talking of talent, in Poison Pen, Ambrose uses his budding writing gifts to go undercover at a writer's retreat, putting his life at risk from the putative poisoner and with his stature: definately not suited to the low beams in an old country house.
In Poetic Justice we return to the world of writing and to the lasting legacy of the previous war, where we discover that the damage was not just to property but to the people who lived in wartime communities and the effects echo in sleepy Chalk Heath.
At the end of Poetic Justice we see hints of the dramatic reorganisation that affected the police throughout the country. Talented Detective Inspectors did not get left languishing in remote rural towns anymore than aspiring WPCs were fast tracked to senior positions.
The next mystery to be solved, is of course, will Pauline and Jo wield their pens, load them with ink and discharge their weapons on another episode of DI Ambrose? If they do then the next mystery will be how does Ambrose keep his winning team together?
Just to keep us on our toes with the first edition of Foul Play selling out, the new edition has some new surprises recognising the direction of the following three books which were unknown at the time Foul Play was first written.
To celebrate the reissue of Foul Play and the redesigned cover theme, we are offering a special price for the bundle of all four books available exclusively through Stairwell Books.
Enter the world of DI Ambrose, DS Winters and WPC Meadows
DI Ambrose Bundle
£30.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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Poison Pen First Printing
£9.50£6.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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Close Disharmony – First Printing
£9.50£6.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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Foul Play
£10.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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Poetic Justice
£10.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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Close Disharmony
£10.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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Poison Pen
£10.00 Author: PJ Quinn
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