Legacy Books

Legacy Books

The following list of books records all the books available from Fighting Cock Press that are in the process of being transferred to the new bookshop.

To place an order for these books, please contact Pauline Kirk, the Editor of Fighting Cock Press by e-mail:


or Telephone 01757 248705

or c/o 2, Pinfold Close,
YO19 6QZ

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You can also contact Stairwell Books to place orders for our shared publications.


Legacy List

Fishing for Spring, by Mary Sheepshanks £7.50/$11.95
Dune Fox and Other Poems, Colin Speakman £3.00/$5.00
Temporary Safety, by Rose Drew £6.50
Fosdyke and Me and Other Poems, by John Gillham £6.50
Dancing Through Wood & Time, Pauline Kirk with music by Martin Scheuregger £3.50
Envying the Wild, Pauline Kirk, edited by Mabel Ferrett £5.95
Forty Years of Pennine Poets: Spirit and Emotion, Mabel Ferrett £12.50
Forty Years of Pennine Poets: Mind and Body, K.E. Smith £12.50
The Imaginator, Wendy Bardsley £4.00
Remember Wyatt, Nicholas Bielby £5.00
Chernobyl's Cloud, Brian Blackwell £2.50
Dunegrass, Clare Chapman £2.00
Doodles in the Margins of My Life, Ian M. Emberson £3.00
Natural Light, second edition, Ian M. Emberson £3.00
After Passchendaele, Mabel Ferrett £6.50
Imaginary Gates, Mabel Ferrett £4.00
Brian Merrikin Hill: Poet and Mentor, Pauline Kirk £2.00
Brakken City, Linda Marshall £3.50
Kingfisher Days, Mary Sheepshanks £5.00
Thinning Grapes, 2nd edition, Mary Sheepshanks £6.50
Patterns in the Dark, 2nd edition, Mary Sheepshanks £6.50
Dancing Blues to Skylarks, Mary Sheepshanks £6.50
Ho! Rumpelstiltskin, ed. Pauline Kirk and Mabel Ferrett £5.99
Pennine Poets: Anthology 1966-1986, ed. Pennine Poets £2.00
Pennine 25: Anthology 1966-91, ed. Pennine Poets  £3.00
A Taste of the Pennine Poets, ed. Pennine Poets £2.00
Pennine Tracks, ed. Clare Chapman £3.95
Webbed Skylights of Tall Oaks, ed. Clare Chapman £3.50
Fifty:Fifty - Celebrating Fifty Years of the Pennine Poets, edited by Pauline Kirk and Nicholas Bielby (FCP with Graft Poetry £10.00